- Sixteenth Note

Sixteenth Note: Place the last whole note to the right of the eighth note and together say “whole note”. Using the remaining puzzle pieces, make it a half note, then a quarter note, and then an eighth note, saying the names together. Add one more flag and say “sixteenth note”. It will be necessary to balance it slightly on the puzzle pieces so it's in the proper place.

Since this is the last name learned and rather long, practice the word several times together. "Let's say sixteenth note five times. Sixteenth note. Sixteenth note. Sixteenth note. Sixteenth note. Sixteenth note. Yay!" As before, pass these fifteen pieces to the students so they can recreate all five notes, saying the words together as they form each note.

Together, everyone says, "Whole note. Whole note, half note. Whole note, half note, quarter note. Whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note. Whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note" as each note is formed.



Celebrate with happy applause and high jellos!