Step 5: Rests - Another Day

So as to not make the game too long for one session, repeat all the steps with the rests at a later session.

  • Begin with placing the whole rest, saying "whole rest" together. Sometimes students like to add the Freddie puzzle piece. 
  • Pass it around and let everyone place it correctly (so easy) as everyone says "whole rest" together
  • Add the half rest, saying "half rest" together. Pass both rests to two students to place correctly as everyone says their names. Each student can do this.
  • Add the quarter rest, saying "quarter rest" together. Pass out all three rests around and repeat as before.
  • Add the eighth rest, saying "eighth rest" together. Pass out all four rests around and repeat as before.
  • Add the sixteenth rest, saying "sixteenth rest" together. Pass out all five rests around and students repeat as before.

The rests are quick to learn since there are only six puzzle pieces compared to fifteen pieces for the notes. The concept of whole, half, quarter and eighth rests are learned using the blue jello cards set 1Students easily learn the sixteenth rest.

Whole Rest: Adding real rhythm cards

After the card is out it's helpful for everyone to say, "rest rest rest rest" together while making the Blue Jello hand sign for the whole rest.



Half Rest: Adding real rhythm cards

After the card is out it's helpful for everyone to say, "rest rest" together while making the Blue Jello hand sign for the half rest.



Quarter Rest: Adding real rhythm cards

After the card is out it's helpful for everyone to say, "rest" together while making the Blue Jello hand sign for the quarter rest.



Eighth Rest: Adding real rhythm cards

After the card is out it's helpful for everyone to say, "rest" (twice as fast as the quarter rest) together while making the Blue Jello hand sign for the eighth rest.



Sixteenth Rest: Adding real rhythm cards

After the card is out it's helpful for everyone to say, "rest" (twice as fast as the eighth rest) together while making the Blue Jello hand sign for the sixteenth rest.



Add real rhythm cards for notes

Students will enjoy placing these cards.



We're Good!