Benefits of "Daily Do"



"Daily Do" is sung with solfège (do re mi fa so la ti Do and do re mi fa sol la si Do) and Curwen hand signs. It uses fixed do.

"Daily Do" is the gateway song to singing and understanding intervals, major and minor triads, a major scale, and a minor scale. Without effort, students learn the relationship of a major key to its relative minor. Students first learn the notes, then rhythms, and are eventually able to sing "Daily Do" as a 2 or 3-part canon.

The opening interval is a minor third, a natural interval for children of many cultures worldwide to sing. Beginning with three pitches (so, mi, and do) from the middle of the scale is easier than beginning at the bottom with do and one at a time, learning the six pitches above.

With practice, many students and teachers can sing the first note without having to hear it first. From that note, they are able to find any tone in the scale.




1.    Everyone stands tall with confidence
2.    The ability to sing in tune grows naturally
3.    Major, minor, triads, scales, and intervals are all in one song
4.    Students organically learn the relationship between major and minor scales
5.    The ear, eye, voice, and body combine naturally
6.    Hands are moving vertically like the staff
7.    Experience happens before labeling or seeing the musical score
8.    Singing at the beginning of each class or lesson brings continuity and discipline
9.    Students who may be shy to sing will join in