In Brief:
"Daily Do" ("DD") is an original 67-note song that uses solfège and Curwen hand signs to teach intervals, major and minor triads, and scales. It forms the basis for learning the staff, steady tempo, and scales. Students learn from the teacher over days, weeks, or months. There are many fun variations to improve memory and musicianship
1. Learn solfège
2. Learn Curwen hand signs
3. Develop the ability to keep a steady beat
4. Sing intervals, scales, and triads using solfège and hand signs
5. Understand the relationship between major and relative minor
Prerequisite Concepts:
Teacher's Role:
Sing with students to teach "Daily Do" and Curwen hand signs. Model each variation as you sing with your students. It's possible to combine some of the variations, but only if students are not overwhelmed. "Daily Do" should be learned over many sessions
Daily: First thing at every lesson or class and daily at home