
Akiko reaches into the magic notes bag and, without looking, selects one magic note.



Without looking at the color, she sticks the magic note to her forehead. We can see that it's orange, the color for re.



Silvia sees that the magic note is orange also. She sings and signs do, a second below re . . .



. . . then sings and signs mi, a second above re.



Akiko thinks a moment and says "Orange" and sings and signs re. She's correct!



Now it's Silvia's turn. She reaches into the magic notes bag and, without looking, selects one magic note.



Without looking at the color, she sticks the magic note to her forehead. We can see that it's pink, the color for la. Since the color indigo for la is made up of two magic notes, a pink (wild) magic note represents la. Students catch onto this without effort.



Akiko sings and signs so, a second below la . . .



. . . then sings and signs ti, a second above la.



Silvia's fast at figuring out her answer. She says "Pink," then sings and signs la. She's correct and very happy!




The game continues as long as desired.