Carsten Viuf

Certified Teacher Trainer


Certified in:    Unit 1 and Unit 2
Location:        Denmark
Instruments:  Teaches Violin, plays violin and piano
I teach:            I work at Aalborg Kulturskole teaching Suzuki and working as a Music Mind Games consultant 



Educational background: 

I have been educated as a violinist at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Denmark and at the Orchestra Department of the N.A. Rimsky-Kosakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory in Russia. 

Musicians who have influence me most: 

My violin teahcers: Sys Matthiesen, Erling Nielsen, Tutter Givskov, Anker Buch, Terje Moe-Hansen, and Alexander Stang

Places I've traveled

I've traveled as a teacher through most of Denmark, Norway, and have done distance learning with teachers in Afghanistan 

Favorite Quote

"Life must be lived over, but can only be understood backwards." - Soren Kierkegaard

Favorite Hobby
