5. Staff and Notes

  • Become faster at locating the Grand Nine Notes on the grand staff
  • Become proficient with open strings and how notes relate to the strings
  • Begin to know all the notes on the grand staff using intervals from Grand Nine Notes
  • Relate notes to piano and/or students’ instruments


SN-1Four Hiding - Grand Nine

SN-2 Chance Match - Grand Nine

SN-3 Madrid Match - Grand Nine

SN-4 Slap the Grand Nine

SN-5 War - Grand Nine

SN-6 Five Hiding - Grand Nine Seconds



SN-7 Eye Spy - Any Note

SN-8 Who's Playing First?

SN-9 Grand Staff Games: Match This Card, Grand Staff Card Snakes, Octaves in Oslo (Chance Match), Suspense with a Scale, War with a Scale, Five Hiding with a Scale, Win a Triad, Triads Standing, Confetti Scrabble


Instrument Specific Games

S-3 Suspence - Open Strings