3. Reading Rhythms
- Learn the vocabulary of blue jello words/hand signs to help understand the shapes of notes and rests
- Learn to think, feel and see rhythm as note groups (like words) rather than individual notes or rests
- Learn how to count and identify beats in a rhythmic pattern
- Learn to relate blue jello rhythm symbols to actual notes and rests
- Learn the mathematical relationship of the various notes and rests
- Take rhythmic dictation
- Read and/or perform rhythmic patterns by signing or clapping or with students’ instrument
- Learn time signatures and be introduced to conducting patterns
RR-2 Win a Jello
RR-3 Double Bar Sit Down
RR-4 Naming Rhythms in Music
RR-5 Playing Blue Jello Cards
RR-6 6/8 Rhythms
RR-7 Blue Jello Rhythm Puzzle Games
RR-8 Become a Beat
RR-9 Pass the Beat - 2
RR-10 Rhythms Across - Canons
RR-11 Around the Circle
RR-12 Rhythm Bingo - Side 2
RR-13 Group Rhythm Bingo - Side 2
RR-14 Time Signature Cards