Unit 2 Games
1. Dictation & Sight Singing 2. Alphabet & Intervals 3. Reading Rhythms 4. Rhythm Math 5. Staff and Notes
6. Tempos 7. Music Symbols 8. Scales and Key Signatures 9. Triads and Chords 10. MUSOPOLY
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1. DS – Dictation and Sight-Singing
- Develop listening skills by recognizing different intervals through singing
- Sing intervals, triads and/or scales using solfege and Curwen hand signs
- Sing with a steady beat
- Write intervals and/or melodic patterns on the staff / paper piano using steps and skips
- Sing and write melodic patterns in minor keys
DS-1 "Daily Do" – Variations 2
DS-2 Head to Tail Intervals
DS-3 Back-to-Back
DS-4 Staff Slates Echoes
DS-5 "Daily Do" – Variations 3
DS-6 Danish Zoo – Do Re Mi
DS-7 Melodic Bingo – Side 2
DS-8 Slow – Do Re Mi
DS-9 Magic Forehead Note
DS-10 Michigorian Chant
DS-11 Madrid Match – Do Re Mi
DS-12 Five Hiding - Do Re Mi
DS-13 Scrabble – Do Re Mi with Singing
DS-14 Pick a Card – Do Re Mi
DS-15 War – Do Re Mi
DS-16 "Daily Do" - Song Puzzle Cards
2. AI – Alphabet and Intervals
- Introduce the interval of a third using cards, staff and/or instrument
- Learn thirds forwards and backwards
- Practice the interval of a third using cards, staff and/or instrument
AI-1 Learning Thirds
AI-2 Toss Down
AI-3 Fine – Thirds and Variations
AI-4 Pick a Card – Thirds
AI-5 Win a Triad
AI-6 Singing Intervals
AI-7 Naming Intervals in Music
AI-8 Snake – Thirds and Variations
AI-9 Scrabble – Thirds
3. RR – Reading Rhythms
- Learn the vocabulary of blue jello words/hand signs to help understand the shapes of notes and rests
- Learn to think, feel and see rhythm as note groups (like words) rather than individual notes or rests
- Learn how to count and identify beats in a rhythmic pattern
- Learn to relate blue jello rhythm symbols to actual notes and rests
- Learn the mathematical relationship of the various notes and rests
- Take rhythmic dictation
- Read and/or perform rhythmic patterns by signing or clapping or with students’ instrument
- Learn time signatures and be introduced to conducting patterns
RR-1 Blue Jello Cards Set 2
RR-2 Win a Jello
RR-3 Double Bar Sit Down
RR-4 Naming Rhythms in Music
RR-5 Playing Blue Jello Cards
RR-6 6/8 Rhythms
RR-7 Blue Jello Rhythm Puzzle Rhythms
RR-8 Become a Beat
RR-9 Pass the Beat – 2
RR-10 Rhythms Across Variations
RR-11 Around the Circle
RR-12 Rhythm Bingo – Side 2
RR-13 Group Rhythm Bingo – Side 2
RR-14 Time Signature Cards
4. RM – Rhythm Math
- Reinforce the concepts learned with the blue jello cards
- Learn the value of notes and rests using magic notes and gold coin values
- Use addition to determine note and rest values
- Learn dotted notes and study the concept of the dot
- Study note groups within the subdivision of the quarter note beat and all note groups
- Play memory games to quickly recognize notes, rests and note groups
RM-1 5 Notes and 5 Rests with Money
RM-2 8 Notes and 5 Rests with Money
RM-3 Play or Pass
RM-4 War – Variations
RM-5 Meredith's Tower
RM-6 Dots and Ties
RM-7 Scrabble – Notes and Rests
RM-8 Measures
RM-9 Speed – Notes and Rests
RM-10 Rhythm Math
RM-11 21 – Notes and Rests
RM-12 Card Chart
RM-13 Card Chart Play or Pass
RM-14 Madrid Match – Card Chart
RM-15 Tutti War – Seconds
RM-16 Selling Notes and Rests
RM-17 Two Chances Slap
5. SN – Staff and Notes
- Become faster at locating the Grand Nine Notes on the grand staff
- Become proficient with open strings and how notes relate to the strings
- Begin to know all the notes on the grand staff using intervals from Grand Nine Notes
- Relate notes to piano and/or students’ instruments
SN-1 Four Hiding – Grand Nine
SN-2 Chance Match – Grand Nine
SN-3 Madrid Match – Grand Nine
SN-4 Slap the Grand Nine
SN-5 War – Grand Nine
SN-6 Five Hiding – Grand Nine Seconds
SN-7 Eye Spy – Any Note
SN-8 Who's Playing First?
SN-9 Grand Staff Games
Instrument-Specific Games
S-3 Suspense – Open Strings
6. T – Tempos
- Learn the meanings and pronunciations of tempos
- Learn the symmetrical sequence of tempos
- Learn to interpret tempos in printed music
- Learn to identify tempos through listening
T-1 Learning Tempos
T-2 "Daily Do" and 11 Tempos
T-3 Play or Pass – Tempos
T-4 Fine – Tempos
T-5 Rainbow Tempos
T-6 Who's Playing First?
T-7 Fine – Tempos Variations
T-8 Five Hiding – Tempos
T-10 Madrid Match – Tempos
T-11 Body Order
7. MS – Music Symbols
- Learn the meanings of signs, symbols, and terms in the music symbol cards set 2
- Relate the symbols to sound and/or musical scores
MS-1 Follow that Sign
MS-2 Music Symbol Bingo
MS-3 What Can You Find?
MS-4 I See
MS-5 Orange Pairs
MS-6 Orange War
MS-7 Symbol Snake
MS-8 Keep or Pass – 2
8. SK – Scales and Key Signatures
- Relate musical tones to the sequence of keys on the keyboard
- Practice the whole step and half step sequence of the major scale
- Learn and write C, G, D, and A major scales on the staff, on the keyboard, and/or with cards
- Learn and write F, Bb, and Eb major scales on the staff, on the keyboard, and/or with cards
- Learn key signatures and how to write them on the staff
- Practice scales and/or key signatures for fluency
SK-1 Body Fifths – Sharps
SK-2 Fifths with Card Games – Sharps
SK-3 Swishing Fifths – Sharps
SK-4 Tonic Dominant Leading Tone (I V vii)
SK-5 Fine in Your Hand – Sharps
SK-6 Snakes – Sharps
SK-7 Five Hiding -–Sharps
SK-8 Key Signature Turns – Sharps
SK-9 Body Fifths – Flats
SK-10 Swishing Fifths – Flats
SK-11 Subdominant (IV)
SK-12 Fine in Your Hand – Flats
SK-13 Snakes – Flats
SK-14 Five Hiding – Flats
SK-15 Key Signature Turns – Flats
SK-16 Magic Sevens
9. TC – Triads and Chords
- Practice spelling thirds beginning on a variety of notes
- Learn major and minor thirds, their hand signs and how to write and identify them on the staff and keyboard
- Learn to identify major and minor thirds by listening
- Learn the four kinds of triads (major, minor, diminished and augmented) with a root on C, their hand signs, and how to write them on the staff and the keyboard
- Learn to identify major, minor, diminished and augmented triads by listening
TC-1 Major and Minor Thirds
TC-2 Thirds Fiesta – 1
TC-3 Thirds Fiesta – 2
TC-4 Singing Major and Minor Thirds
TC-5 Thirds Echoes
TC-6 Four Triads on C
TC-7 Classic Games for Four Triads
TC-8 Triad Inversions
TC-9 Major Scale Triads
TC-10 Triad Echoes
TC-11 Triads Standing