In Brief: 
Students learn that intervals spelled in thirds (B D F A C E G or ti re fa la do mi so) are thirds no matter how many half steps they contain. It may be that on some of the turns in this game the interval will not be a major or minor third. It could be diminished (‘itsy bitsy’) or augmented (‘itsy bitsy spider went up’) or doubly diminished (‘itsy’). That’s okay. Those distinctions are learned in TC-5: Four Kinds of Triads on C. This game is to make the important point that if the spelling is thirds, it’s a third. Reminder: Don't overload a game.
To experience that thirds are labeled thirds no matter how many half steps they contain as long as they use B D F A C E G or ti re fa la do mi so.
Teacher's Role: 
To play alongside students guiding them and constantly assessing their understanding. Appropriate for all instruments and voice.
Usually played once